A Deck of Outstanding Views!!! The Balanacan View Deck

WELCOME AGAIN to our very first adventure destination, the Island of Marinduque.

If you will be coming from Manila, you will have to travel for about 4 to 5 hours in a bus (travel could be a little shorter if you have your own wheels) for you to get to Lucena Port.

After that, you will have to take a 3 to 4 hours travel by the sea with either the Montenegro Shipping Lines or Starhorse Shipping Lines in order for you to get to Balanacan Port in Mogpog, Marinduque.

Then we can now go to our very first travel destination. The Balanacan View Deck.

Not far from the Port, we can have a stop over at the Balanacan View Deck for a little bit of sight seeing before going to our main destinations. As the name itself suggests, this place is an elevated Deck where you can see some amazing places that you will not have a chance of seeing while you are below. With a really high location above the sea level, you will be able to easily gaze at everything that is below you. Including the wide sea, the small islets and the path of the ro-ro coming from Lucena to Marinduque and vice versa.

Soothing and refreshing views can make you imagine the life in my hometown, especially beside the sea. A really good way to start your day before going out to big destinations and/or a good day to end the day with a relaxing views of the sea and the islets in it.

I will show you a little bit of what you can see in this short stop over.

This is the place itself. The view deck.

What do you think of our stop? Refreshing isn't it? Okay, so now, after a little rest, we will go to our next destination. LET'S GO!!!



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